Cases Wins

Casos Ganados Por El Equipo De The Medlin Law Firm

Cases Won By The Medlin Law Firm Team

Driving While Intoxicated with a .33 blood test – Found Not Guilty by Jury

Our client, a 25-year-old male, was charged with DWI with BAC over .15 with an open container. The police officer was called out to investigate an intoxicated driver. Client was pulled over for speeding, failure to maintain single lane, and weaving. Officer smelled alcohol on our client and said he had bloodshot watery eyes & ...

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2nd Driving While Intoxicated with .32 BAC, Dallas, TX – Motion to Suppress Won & Dismissed by Judge

Our client was only 30 years old and arrested for DWI-2nd in Dallas County. She was detained in a parking lot outside of a bar at 2:30 a.m. After failing the field sobriety tests, the police officer got a warrant for her blood. The results were .32. Four times the legal limit! There was a ...

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Fraud Use/Possess ID/Info of Elderly, Fort Worth – Found Not Guilty by Jury

Our client was accused of stealing her mother’s identity and opening up several credit cards in her name. She ended up being accused of 5 criminal charges. Our client’s mother is an elderly woman who the state thought was a credible witness and would be sympathetic to a jury. The client works for the IRS ...

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Unauthorized Use of Vehicle – Reduced To Misdemeanor

Our client decided to take his employer’s car home during his lunch break and unfortunately on the way back he had a minor accident. He did not have permission from his employer to take the car so he was charged with a State Jail Felony of Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. And on top ...

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Resisting Arrest/Search/Transport – Dismissed

Our client and his friend were out one night drinking at a bar. As they were leaving, our client was trying to stop his friend from getting into a fight so he kept pulling him back. This caught the attention of the officers and they approached them to talk. Our client kept interjecting, which irritated ...

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Possession of Dangerous Drug – Dismissed

Our client was walking with her friend across the street and were stopped by an Arlington Police Officer. He came in contact with her while she was sitting in her car. The officer ordered her out of the vehicle and arrested her for the jaywalking violation. Our client asked the officer if he would retrieve ...

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Driving While Intoxicated with a .11 breath test – Found Not Guilty by Jury

Our client came in contact with Keller Police Officers at a party. The police officers watched her drive away and then later pulled her over for suspension of underage drinking. Officers quickly turned the detention into a DWI investigation. Our client failed all three field sobriety tests. During trial, the Police Officers admitted on the ...

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.14 blood sample – Found Not Guilty by Jury

Our client was seen by Crowley Police Officers leaving a bar and subsequently weaving between his lane of traffic. Our client was pulled over for failing to maintain a single lane. He admitted to having 5 alcoholic beverages. Once ordered out of the vehicle, our client performed 3 roadside field sobriety tests; failing two of ...

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.17 Blood Specimen and Car Accident – Found Not Guilty by Jury

Our client side-swiped another vehicle in front of a police car, then was attempting to pull over to a safe location, and the Fort Worth police officer accused her of failing to stop at an accident. Once pulled over, the police officer asked her if she had been drinking. She admitted to 5 drinks. She ...

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Speeding and Weaving through Traffic – Found Not Guilty by Jury

Our client was leaving The Gaylord Texan Resort after his date on Valentine’s day and was pulled over by Grapevine Police Department for weaving in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed in a Porsche. Grapevine police officers ran our client’s criminal background and saw his prior DWI conviction. Our client was ...

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