A solicitation charge could result in legal consequences, disrupt a person’s family life, and tarnish their criminal record. Given the potential repercussions of this offense, there is no reason to not fight a solicitation charge. A Tarrant County solicitation lawyer could help someone facing these allegations seek the best possible outcome of their case.
If you are facing solicitation charges, your next step should be to discuss your case with a determined criminal defense attorney. They can help you understand your rights so that you can feel more empowered when approaching the charges.
What is Solicitation in Tarrant County?
Texas Penal Code Section 43.02 makes solicitation a crime in Tarrant County. According to this section, a person may face solicitation charges if they solicit another person in a public place to engage in sexual conduct for hire. It is not necessary that money is actually exchanged for a person to face these allegations. However, if money is exchanged, it could be used as evidence that the offense occurred.
Solicitation in Tarrant County may amount to a Class B misdemeanor. This means that it may be punishable by up to one 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. A solicitation lawyer could be extremely helpful in keeping these penalties as low as possible under the circumstances.
The possible penalties for solicitation increases with subsequent offenses. While a first offense may be a Class B misdemeanor, a second or third offense may be considered a Class A misdemeanor, which could carry a more severe punishment. A Class A misdemeanor could result in as much as a full year in jail and a fine not exceeding $4,000. A fourth offense of solicitation in Tarrant County may be a state jail felony. Any state jail felony may be punishable by up to two years imprisonment and up to $10,000 in fines. A Tarrant County solicitation lawyer could attempt to mitigate the penalties that an individual may face.
Offenses Involving a Minor
The solicitation of a person under the age of 18 years old is perhaps the most serious solicitation offense someone could commit in Tarrant County. This may be a second-degree felony and may have a minimum sentence of two years imprisonment. The maximum penalty for solicitation of a minor is 20 years in prison and fines not exceeding $10,000.
According to Texas Penal Code Section 43.02, a person may face these charges even if they do not know at the time of commission that the person allegedly solicited is under the age of 18. Not knowing a person’s age may not be a defense to this crime.
How a Tarrant County Solicitation Attorney Can Help
A person facing charges of solicitation may be unsure where to turn next. The thought of facing criminal charges can be overwhelming. A solicitation offense could result in severe consequences that could impact a person’s life in many ways.
If you receive a solicitation charge in Tarrant County, the next step may be to seek the advice of a passionate Tarrant County solicitation lawyer. Call today to discuss your case and learn how an attorney could help.
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