No one wants to be accused of breaking the law, especially if it is the first time that they have had to deal with the legal system. Getting a handle on your case and the potential charges against you can be time-consuming and emotionally draining.
Fortunately, legal help is often available for those facing any kind of criminal proceeding, including drug possession offenses of any type or severity. A Tarrant County drug possession lawyer could review the circumstances surrounding your case in order to give you the best advice possible on how to protect yourself. Speak with an established substances attorney right away.
Types of Illicit Substances and Penalty Groups
There are six penalty groups for illicit substances established by Texas state law, with lower classification numbers signifying more dangerous drugs. These groups are codified in Texas Health and Safety Code §§481.102 through 481.105.
Morphine and cocaine may fall into penalty group 1, while lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) may fall into penalty group 1-A. In addition, penalty group 2 covers hallucinogenic substances, penalty group 2-A covers synthetic drugs, and penalty group 3 includes specific barbiturates and depressant compounds. Finally, mixtures and compounds containing various narcotics may fall into penalty group 4.
Individuals who have questions regarding a specific controlled substance or a specific penalty group may want to contact a Tarrant County drug possession lawyer for more detailed information.
Drug Possession Laws in Tarrant County
Texas state law criminalizes the act of knowingly and intentionally possessing any controlled substance, whether that substance is an illegal drug, drug precursor, or controlled chemical. The severity of any potential criminal punishment for drug possession depends on the specific controlled substance at issue and the exact amount of the controlled substance found under the alleged possessor’s control.
Potential punishment for a drug possession charge in Tarrant County depends on the exact amount of the substance, as well as its specific penalty group. The different statutes addressing punishment for each penalty group are as follows:
- H.S.C. §481.115 covering penalty group 1
- H.S.C. §481.1151 covering penalty group 1-A
- H.S.C. §481.116 covering penalty group 2
- H.S.C. §481.1161 covering penalty group 2-A
- H.S.C. §481.117 covering penalty group 3
- H.S.C. §481.118 covering penalty group 4
The above statutes indicate that convictions for possession of substances in penalty groups 1, 1-A, and 2 generally result in more serious consequences. For example, an individual may face a felony charge for possessing any amount of a substance in these penalty groups. However, the possession of a small amount of an illicit substance in penalty groups 2-A, 3, or 4 is categorized as a misdemeanor.
Contact A Tarrant County Drug Possession Attorney
If you are facing a potential drug possession offense, even if you have not yet been charged, you may benefit from seeking legal aid as soon as possible. A Tarrant County drug possession lawyer could make sure that your legal rights are protected and provide you with in-depth knowledge of Texas drug laws that may help you with your case.
Drug possession cases are often complex, involving a host of statutes and other laws and regulations. Make sure you are not alone in fighting for your rights. Schedule a consultation with a dedicated local attorney as soon as possible to get started on your case.
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