Fort Worth Third-Offense DWI Penalties

A third conviction for driving while intoxicated could lead to serious consequences for an accused person. Court and prosecutors may be harsher for third-time offenders since they may have a history of such behavior. If you are facing Fort Worth third-offense DWI penalties, a skilled defense attorney could help.

When May a Conviction Occur?

While there are typically no penalties unless the individual is convicted, there may be an exception for a license suspension for failing or refusing a test when being arrested for DWI. A person could be placed on bond caseload before they are found guilty while their case is pending. A bond caseload is similar to being on probation. They may be required to report to a probation officer, submit to urine and alcohol testing and pay a supervisory fee. It is restrictive and punitive even if the person has not been found guilty of anything. It is typically in the guise of being a condition of the bond which the judges are allowed to do to ensure the safety of the community and the person’s appearance in court for trial. When someone is convicted of a third offense DWI in Fort Worth, their license may be suspended for up to two years. An occupational license for any of that time could be granted. The issues of challenging the suspension of license after a third-offense DWI charge are typically the same as previous DWI offense charges.

Applying for Occupational License After a Charge

Drivers may apply for an occupational license after being charged with a third offense DWI in Fort Worth. When considering an occupational license for someone facing a felony offense, the judge may be more careful in scrutinizing the reasons, the geographic areas, and the times that could be allowed for an occupational license. They could be more restrictive and have other requirements, which could include interlock devices or alcohol monitoring as conditions of the occupational license.

When acquitted of the third offense DWI, the steps to have the individual’s driver’s license reinstated are typically the same.

Potential Penalty Enhancements or Aggravating Factors

Penalty enhancements or aggravating factors for third-offense DWI offenses in Fort Worth may include:

  • A test result of 0.15 or greater
  • A DWI collision resulting in severe injuries
  • A child under the age of 15 in the car
  • Multiple DWIs in any state

Enhanced DWI charges may greatly increase the penalties when a person is convicted of a DWI. A blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.15 or higher may result in enhanced DWI charges and enhanced Fort Worth third-offense DWI penalties.

Consulting a Fort Worth Attorney About Third-Offense DWI Penalties

A person facing third offense DWI charges in Fort Worth could look for a lawyer with local experience who knows the prosecutors and judges. An attorney with experience in the Fort Worth courts knows how the judges might rule on certain issues. A defendant may need an attorney who has the respect of the local prosecutors and judges. A judge may be more likely to listen to a lawyer make legal or factual arguments when the lawyer is local and is familiar to the judges and prosecutors. Questions you may have regarding Fort Worth third-offense DWI penalties could be answered by speaking to an accomplished attorney.


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