Weatherford Sex Crimes Lawyer

Some of the most serious allegations that a person might face in Texas are those involving sex crimes. A conviction under these laws may require a defendant to serve a mandatory minimum prison sentence and register as a sex offender, and it may even result in a life sentence. It is understandable that individuals facing these charges may be both scared and confused.

A sex crime could involve any sort of conduct that violates the sexual privacy or health of another individual. They may range in severity from simple voyeurism to aggravated sexual assault. The potential charges that may be attached to a sex crime conviction range from minor misdemeanors to felonies in the first degree.

Our team of Weatherford sex crimes lawyers may be able to provide both a realistic assessment of the prosecution’s case and a powerful defense strategy. Any experienced criminal defense attorney should understand that the mere allegation of a sex crime is enough to change a person’s life and act accordingly to protect both their freedom and privacy.

Sex Crimes in Weatherford

Since there is no law in Texas that specifically punishes sex crimes, these crimes constitute a category of offenses that involve sexual contact or an invasion of another’s sexual privacy.

The clearest example of a sex crime may be sexual assault, listed under Texas Penal Code §22.011. Known as rape in many other states, a sexual assault could incorporate one or more of the following actions:

  • Any penetration of the anus or sexual organ of another without their consent
  • Penetration of the mouth by a sex organ without consent
  • Unwelcome contact upon the sex organ of another with the actor’s mouth, anus, or sex organ

As an attorney could explain, an alleged plaintiff in these cases cannot consent if they are unconscious, physically incapacitated, mentally handicapped, or if the sexual contact is achieved through the use or threat of force. A conviction here is a felony of the second degree that may carry a mandatory minimum prison sentence of two years up to a maximum of 20 years.

Less Serious Sex Offenses

Other sex crimes may not be considered as serious, and may include:

  • Public lewdness – Texas Penal Code §21.07 makes it a Class A misdemeanor to engage in any sexual act in public
  • Indecent exposure – Texas Penal Code §21.08 says that any exposure of a person’s genitals or anus with the intent to gratify another’s sexual desire is a Class B misdemeanor
  • Indecency with a child – Texas Penal Code §21.11 states that it is a felony of the second degree if an adult engages in any form of sexual contact with a child under the age of 17, regardless of whether the child appears to consent

This is just a small sample of the many Texas laws concerning sexual conduct. A Weatherford sex crimes lawyer could help to better explain a plaintiff’s individual charges and the potential consequences.

The Requirement to Register as a Sex Offender

Most criminal convictions may end after a person serves their sentence. Crimes that require a defendant to register as a sex offender are a key exception to this rule. This requirement could place an individual on a state-maintained list that is published to the public. Members of this list are prohibited from holding certain jobs, living in certain areas, and from entering schools without providing notice.

Texas issues two lengths of registration requirements that accompany the severity of the conviction. Sex crimes such as soliciting a prostitute who is underage, indecency with a young child, and a second indecent exposure conviction could require a defendant to register for ten years.

Other more serious convictions such as a sexual performance with a child, compelling prostitution, or sexual assault require a lifetime registration. Because of these requirements, a conviction for certain sex crimes might forever impact an individual’s life, which underscores the potential importance of retaining our legal team of sex crimes lawyers in Weatherford.

How a Weatherford Sex Crimes Attorney Could Help

Allegations involving sex crimes may intimidate and frighten people. Even a relatively minor sex crime could remain on a person’s criminal record after conviction and might result in the imposition of a serious jail sentence. The more serious types of sex crimes are felonies that carry a mandatory minimum prison sentence and the requirement to register as a sex offender.

An attorney could be dedicated to preventing you from experiencing any of these outcomes. They could examine every aspect of the prosecution’s case, work to discredit state witnesses, and aim to create reasonable doubt in the minds of juries.

Whether a citizen of the State of Texas is looking to fight the charges at trial or to negotiate a fair plea deal to avoid jail time, our knowledgeable Weatherford sex crimes lawyers could provide valuable representation. Call today to schedule a consultation.


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