If you are facing any sort of larceny or theft charge in Tarrant County, you could end up paying a fine, serving jail or prison time, being required to make restitution, or having a permanent criminal record. These potential penalties could negatively impact your life for years. That is why you should consult with an assertive defense attorney as soon as possible. A Tarrant County larceny lawyer can work from the initial arrest or investigation to help you protect your rights and fight these allegations.
Types of Larceny Charges
In Texas, the terms larceny and theft generally have the same meaning and cover a wide range of offenses such as bouncing checks, buying stolen property, embezzlement, shoplifting, and theft of services. In general, the potential punishment for larceny depends on the value of the item allegedly taken, the particular facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged act and whether the alleged perpetrator is a first-time or a repeat offender.
As set forth in the Texas Penal Code, a person commits larceny when they unlawfully take property that belongs to someone else with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of the property. The taking does not need to be done physically, it can also be done by deception or fraud. In addition, taking something that belongs to someone else and then returning it to collect a reward is also considered to be a larceny in Texas. It is recommended that a person charged with this offense should contact a Tarrant County larceny lawyer to get started on building a defense.
Fighting Tarrant County Charges
Depending on the specific facts and circumstances involved, there are several defenses that may be available to someone who is facing larceny charges. These include the following:
- Claim of ownership – often in cases involving theft charges, there is a legitimate dispute as to who actually owns the property in question
- Abandoned property – it is sometimes possible to show that the rightful owner abandoned the property in question and, therefore, was no longer entitled to the benefits of ownership
- Lack of intent – because larceny requires specific intent, it may be possible to disprove the charge by showing that the alleged perpetrator did not mean to take the property or planned to return the property to its rightful owner
- Intoxication – if a person was intoxicated at the time they allegedly committed a larceny, it is quite possible that they mistakenly took something they thought belonged to them or were unaware of the taking altogether
- Return of property – although arguing that the property in question was only being borrowed may not be an absolute defense to a larceny charge, it may be a mitigating factor
For more information, or for legal assistance, contact a Tarrant County larceny lawyer today.
How A Tarrant County Larceny Attorney Can be an Advocate
Larceny is a serious allegation but there are defenses to these charges. If you are facing these charges, it is important to consider the specific facts of your case to determine whether there may be a defense available. If you were charged with any type of larceny, you should call a Tarrant County larceny lawyer to discuss the details of your case and what options are available to you. Having a lawyer to guide you through every step of the legal process can help ensure that your legal rights are fully protected and that you have an opportunity to provide any information that may help your case.
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